The Learning Centre Courses 190822
CATEGORY 1. Impact Assessment, Sustainable Development and E&S Standards;
TLC IA1; Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (Advanced)
TLC IA2; Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD)
TLC IA3; Investment Risk Assessment
TLC IA4; Left Blank Intentionally. See IA22
TLC IA5; The Equator Principles, Environmental and Social Risks Assessment for Financial Institutions
TLC IA6; Environmental and Social Management Plans, ESMP
TLC IA7; Impact Mitigation Monitoring
TLC IA8; Stakeholders Engagement Plan
TLC IA9; Resettlement Action Planning and Implementation
TLC IA10; Strategic Environmental Assessments
TLC IA11; Socio-economic Studies, Impact Assessment and Data Gathering Tools in Impact Assessment (Basic)
TLC IA12; Environmental Auditing
TLC IA13; Ecological Impact Analysis
TLC IA14; Community Development Planning
TLC IA15; Environmental Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
TLC IA16; Environmental Economics & Policy
TLC IA17; Environmental Due Diligence for Mergers and Acquisition, M&A Solutions
TLC IA18; Health Impact Assessments
TLC IA19; Left Blank Intentionally see IA22
TLC IA20; Natural Resource Management
TLC IA21; Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation Plan (EPRP)
TLC IA22; IFC Performance Standards; Environmental and Social Sustainability
TLC IA23; Post Impact Assessment
TLC IA24; Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines of the world bank
TLC IA25; Left blank Intentionally
TLC IA26; Rural and host communities engagement in Africa for Development Projects
TLC IA27; Understanding Rural Geography and Engagements Approach
TLC IA28; Introduction to Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (EIA)
CATEGORY 2. Climate Change
TLC CC1; Climate Change: Managing the Marine Environment
TLC CC2; Carbon Accounting
TLC CC3; Organisational GHG Accounting
TLC CC4; Understanding Scope 1, 2 and 3 Emissions.
TLC CC5; Carbon and energy due diligence
TLC CC6; Corporate Sustainability and Climate Change
TLC CC7; GHG Accounting for Gas Thermal Power Plant
TLC CC8; Project Level GHG Accounting- Basics
TLC CC9; Project Level GHG Accounting- Advanced
TLC CC10; GHG Accounting for an LNG Project
TLC CC11; Understanding Emissions Trading Systems (ETS)
TLC CC12; Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Measures for Industries
TLC CC13; ESG, Climate Change and Financial Security
TLC CC14; Energy Transition through 2050: Climate Science, Low Carbon Energy and Carbon Capture Strategies that Lead to Net-Zero
CATEGORY 3. Specialised Courses
TLC SC1; Cultural Heritage and Archeology and Sustainable Development
TLC SC2; Marine and Coastal Ecological Assessment
TLC SC3; Marine Ecology and Conservation
TLC SC4; Marine Mammal Physiology
TLC SC5; Fisheries Assessment
TLC SC6; Ecological Assessments
TLC SC7; Heritage and Conservation
TLC SC8; Air Quality Assessment
TLC SC9; Coastal and Ocean Management
TLC SC10; Biodiversity and Conservation
TLC SC11; Hydrological Survey
TLC SC12; Land Acquisition and Right of Way
TLC SC13; Hydrogeological Survey
TLC SC14; Remediation Management (Contamination from Mining Activities and Remediation Options)
TLC SC15; River Health Assessments Approach and Methodology
TLC SC16; Geographic Information System (GIS) technology
TLC SC17; Hydrology & Water Management
TLC SC18; Introduction to Archaeology and Impact Assessment
TLC SC19; Archaeology in Theory and Practice
TLC SC20; Archaeology & Climate Change, Theory and Practice
TLC SC21; Aspects of Archaeology
TLC SC22; Archaeology in Practice
TLC SC23; Introduction to Archaeology
CATEGORY 4; Management Systems
TLC MS1; Learning and Change Implementation
TLC MS2; Management Systems and Compliance
TLC MS3; 14001 Environmental Management System
TLC MS4; ISO 26000 Social Responsibility
TLC MS5; ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
TLC MS6; ISO 37101 Management Systems for Sustainable Development in Communities
TLC MS7; Richflood Staff College (RSC) Onboarding
TLC MS8; Richflood Staff College (RSC) ESIA Implementation Approach at Richflood
CATEGORY 5; Laboratory Management
TLC LM1; Environmental Microbiology (Air Microbiology)
TLC LM2; Environmental Microbiology (Soil Microbiology)
TLC LM3; Environmental Microbiology (Water Microbiology)
TLC LM4; Microbial Ecology and Industrialisation
TLC LM5; Legionella Assessment and Management, (LMP)
TLC LM6; Environmental Monitoring
TLC LM7; Laboratory Science Technology
TLC LM8; Industrial Effluent Management
CATEGORY 6; Oil and Gas Courses
TLC OG1; Environmental Sustainability in the Oil and Gas Industry
TLC OG2; Environmental Management and control in the oil and gas industry
TLC OG3; Oil Spills Clean up and Remediation
TLC OG4; Laboratory Science Technology
CATEGORY 7; Sustainability
TLC SS1; Sustainable Product Innovation and Design
TLC SS2; Sustainability Reporting for Organisation
TLC SS3; Sustainable Procurement, Environmental and Social Standards
TLC SS4; Sustainable Finance
TLC SS5; Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) Reporting (or Sustainability Reporting)
TLC SS6; Environmental Laws and Regulations in Africa
CATEGORY 7; Africa and Environmental Standards
TLC AF1; An Overview of Environmental Regulations in Africa (54 Countries Review)
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+234 814 524 5247