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Uganda - Kampala- Jinja Expressway PPP Project

Under Schedule III of the National Environment Act, Cap 153 any major roads such as the proposed KJE Project and roads passing through scenic, wooded or mountainous areas require an EIA. Based on the Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines for Road Sector Projects (2008) the proposed project is considered a Category IV project and thus requires a full ESIA prior to implementation. The completed EIA is required to be submitted to NEMA for review, including a Public enquiry process (which is conducted over approximately 28 days). After submission of the EIA report, a decision by the Executive Director is required within 180 days from the date of submission. Other key relevant national and applicable legal framework and policies include National Environment Management Policy (NEMP), 1994; The National Water Policy, 1999; National Policy for the Conservation and Management of Wetland Resources, 1995; The Uganda Wildlife Policy, 2014; The Uganda National Land Policy, 2013; Resettlement/Land Acquisition Policy Framework, 2002; Uganda Vision 2025; Uganda Vision 2040; Second National Development Plan (2015/16 –2019/20); National Transport Master Plan; Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Strategic Plan (2014/15 –2018/19); The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995 (as amended); The Uganda Wildlife Act, Cap 200; The Uganda National Roads Authority Act, 2006; The Public Health Act, Cap 281; The Roads Act, Cap 358; The Water Act, Cap 152; The Land Act, Cap. 227 (1998) as well as the Land (Amendment) Act, 2010; Read more/download document here...

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