The positive impacts of this road will be very numerous. Most important will be: (i) improvement of the quality of life of the people in the ZOI; (ii) job creation for the local populations particularly for the youth; (iii) better accessibility to the health centers; (iv) the increase in the demand for food and beverage hospitality, consumables and manufactured food, housing and transport in the zones of influence; v) all seasons’ supply and availability of tradesmen and better evacuation of agricultural and artisanal produce to the consumption centres; (vi) the increase in the production and marketing of the agricultural and artisanal produce; (vii); the development of the ecotourism, and the (viii) improvement of the condition of the road will contribute to the decrease of fuel consumption and the reduction in the CO2emissions in the atmosphere. As a whole, the program will contribute to poverty reduction poverty and improvement of the environment and the standard of living of the ZOI populations. Read more...
