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Blended Learning Solutions


January 7-8

Socio-economic Studies and Data Gathering Tools in Environmental and Social Impact Assessment


1. Introduction to Socio-economic Studies and Data Gathering in Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

2. Principles of Socio-economic Studies and Data Gathering in Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

3. Tools Used in Socio-economic Studies and Data Gathering in Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

4. Data Analytics Methods in Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


January 14-15

Geographic Information System (GIS); An Indispensible tool in Environmental Impact Assessment

1. Introduction to Geographic Information System (GIS)

2.GIS Data types and structures

3. Applications of GIS in Environmental Impact Assessment


5. GIS Tools and its Applicability in Environmental Impact Assessment

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


January 17

Environmental Impact Assessment Process (Series 1)

1. Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment
2. Objectives of Environmental Impact Assessment
3. Challenges and Future of Environmental Impact Assessment
4. Terminologies Used in Environmental Impact Assessment

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


January 23-24

Remote Sensing Applications in Environmental Impact Assessment

1. Introduction to Remote Sensing        

2. The Principles of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
3. Applications of Remote Sensing in Environmental Impact Assessment
4. Spatial Data Analysis and Applications
5. Remote Sensing Softwares and Algorithms Used in EIA studies

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


Jananuary 27

Environmental Auditing in Environmental Management (Series 1)

1. Introduction to Environmental Audit

2. Objectives of Environmental Audit
3. Principles of Environmental Audit
4. Environmental Audit Process
5. Legal and Regulatory Framework For Environmental Audit

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


January 28

Investments in Environmental Sustainability for Corporations (Series 1)

1. Introduction to Environmental Sustainability

2. Basic concepts and Terminologies of Environmental Sustainability
3. Benefits of Investing in Environmental Sustainability
4. Categories of Investments in Environmental Sustainability

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria
January 28

Environmental Management and Regulatory Compliance. Training Course For all Richflood Existing Clients. Series 3

1. Introduction to Environmental Regulations and Compliance
2. Introduction to Regulatory Laws and Policies
3. Synopsis of Environmental Laws and Regulations in Nigeria
4. Environmental Guidelines and Standards

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria
February Trainings and Dates


February 3-4 

Sustainability in the Mining Industry (Series 1)

1. Introduction to Sustainable Mining
2. Mining Operations and The Associated Risks
3. Principles and Guidelines for Sustainability in the Mining Industry
4. Regulatory Framework for Sustainability in the Mining Industry

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


February 28-29

Sustainability in the Mining Industry (Series 2)

1. Environmental practices as keystone to Sustainability in the Mining Industry
2. The Key Sustainbility Issues In the mining Industry
3. Environmental and Socio-Economic Sustainability in the Mining Industry

4. Sustainability Strategies in the Mining Industry

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


February 10-11 

Assessment and Remediation of Oil Spills in Soils and Water (With a hypothetical spill assessment) 

1.  Oil Spillage in Soil and Water (Nigeria as a case study)
2. Impact Assessment of an Oil Polluted Environment
3. Environmental Management Plan Associated with Oil Spillage
4. Mitigation and Monitoring Procedures Associated with Oil Spills
5. Regulations and Compliance associated with Oil Spill

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


February 12

Investments in Environmental Sustainability for Corporations (Series 2)

1. Review of Laws and Regulations  Guiding Investments in Environmental Sustainability

2. Principles and Strategies of Investments in Environmental Sustainability                    

3.Challenges facing the Investments in Environmental Sustainability in Nigeria  

4.Towards Achieving an Environmental Sustainable Country

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


February 13-14

Impact Assessment and Cultural Heritage Aspects

1. Introduction to Cultural Impact Assessment
2. Laws and Policies in Cultural impact assessment
3. Guidelines on Heritage Impact Assessments
4. Alternatives and Mitigation Strategies in Cultural Impact Assessment

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


February 25-26

Quality Assurance(QA) and Quality Control(QA) In EIA                                                                          

1. Introduction to Quality Assurance and Control
2. Processes of Quality Assurance and Control
3. Scope of Quality Assurance and Control
4. Regulations and Policies of Quality Assuracnce and Control

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


February 27

1. Introduction to Health Impact Assessment in Mining Industry
2. Basic Concepts of Health Impact Assessment
3. Scope of Health Impact Assessment for Mining Industries
4. Challenges facing Health Impact Aseesment in the Mining industry

Health Impact Assessment for Mining industry
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


February 28

1. Role of Environmental Impact Assessment in Decision-making process  2.Principles of Environmental Impact Assessment 
3. Environmental Impact Assessment Procedures
4. Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies                          

Environmental Impact Assessment Process (Series 2)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


February 28

1.Methodology for Data Acquisition/Sampling in Environmental Audit

2. Socioeconomic Studies in Environmental Audit
3. Environmental and Biodiversity Studies in Environmental audit 
4. Identification and Evaluation of Impacts in Environmental Audit

5. Review of Environmental Audit Report Structure

Environmental Auditing in Environmental Management (Series 2)                                                    
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria
March Trainings and Dates


March 2-3

Procedures for Mineral Exploration/Prospecting 

1. Process of formation of Mineral Deposits

2. Introduction to Mineral Exploration and Prospecting

3. Methods, stages and the procedures for mineral exploration

4. Rationale for mineral prospecting/exploration; factors governing the choice of exploration techniques

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


March 5-6

Climate Change Adaptation, Monitoring and Evaluation

1. Introduction to Climate Change Adaptation Monitoring and Evaluation: understanding the drivers of the action.
2. Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment.
3. Policies and Institutions for Climate Change Adaptation Monitoring and Evaluation.
4. Climate Change and Decision Making.

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


March 9

Environmental Monitoring in Environmental Management

1. Introduction to Environmental Monitoring and Characterization

2.  Introduction to Environmental Sampling for Environmental Monitoring

3. Objectives of Environmental monitoring in environmental management

4. Methods and Techniques of Environmental Monitoring

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


March 10-11

Technical writing in Environmental Impact Assessment (2)

1. Introduction to Technical Writing in Environmental Impact Assessment

2. Common errors in Report Writing

3. Principles of Technical Writing in EIA

4. Contents and Structrues of Technical Writing

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


March 17-18

Project Alternatives Considerations and Risk Assessment for Investments

 1. Introduction to Project Alternatives Considerations and Risk Assessment

2.Risk Assessment  Tools

3. Strategies and methods  Used in Risk Assessment

4. Project Alternatives Approaches and Development Process      

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


March 19-20

Social Performance Evaluation for Investments

 1. Introduction to Social Performance Evaluation

2. Social Impacts Identification and Analysis

3. Social Impact Monitoring and Evaluation

4.Social Impact Management Plans and Conflict Resolution               

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria


March 24

Investments in Environmental Sustainability for Corporations (Series 3)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Environmental Sustainability: Past, Present and Future

2. Transforming our World; Achieving the Sustainable Environment

3. Green Environment

4. Environmental Sensitivity and Sustaining Peace


March 27

Environmental Impact Assessment Process (Series 3)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1.  Legal and Administrative Framework for EIA

2.  National Regulations on EIA

3. International Guidelines and Conventions

4. International Best Practices, Standards and Guidelines


March 24

Environmental Management and Regulatory Compliance Training Course For all Richflood Existing Clients. (Series 5)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Environmental Justice and its Implications 
2. Purpose and Benefits of Environmental Justice

3. Implementation of Environmental Justice

4. Strategies involved in Implementation of Environmental Justice

5. Corporations responsible  for Environmental Justice and their roles

April Trainings and Dates


April 2-3

Involuntary Resettlement planning for Investments
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Introduction to Involuntary Resettlement
2. Involuntary Resettlement Policy and Principles

3. Involuntary Resettlement Implementation Strategies

4. Resettlement and Livelihood Restoration Practice

5. Mining Induced Displacement and Resettlement: A critical appraisal


April 6- 7

Environmentally safe remediation, clean up and restoration technologies for oil spillages in Mangroves
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Introduction to Oil spillage: meaning, causes
2. Effects and impacts of Oil spillage: Environmental and health

3. Prevention of Oil spillage and the essence of remediation plans

4. Methods of Environmental Remediation for oil spillage in the mangroves; factors to consider on the choice of method(s) to adopt.


April 14- 15

Sustainable Mining Operations in the Mining Industry
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Introduction to mining: meaning, types/methods
2. Stages and steps involved in mining operations
3. Environmental and Social impacts of mining
4. Impacts mitigation plans for mining operations
5. Sustainable Environmental Management plans for mining operations


April 16- 17

Mine Environmental Rehabilitation and Closure Training Course
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1.  Governance and Regulations Involved in Mine Exploration and Closure

2. The Design and the Management of mine closures
3. Mine closure planning and sustainability
4. Reclamation, remediation, rehabilitation, and restoration
5. Monitoring of Rehabilitation and Restoration


April 19- 20

Mine/Quarry Closure Planning and Mined Land Restoration  
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Overview of Mine Closure and Land Restoration Plan

2. Principles and Approaches for Restoration and Closure of Mines
3. Development of a Closure Plan
4. Remediation of Mine/Quarry and Land Restoration
5. Land Restoration techniques


April 21-22

Mines Health and Safety Management Systems 
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1  Introduction to Mines Health and Safety Management System

2. Hazard identification,  management and control in Mining

3. Emergency response plan in mining

4. Mines health and safety laws, regulations, policies, procedures.


April 23- 24

Mineral Site Sourcing and Documentation in Nigeria
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Introduction to Mineral Sourcing and Documentation

2. Importance of Documentation in Mineral Sourcing

3. Sustainability Approach in Mineral Site Sourcing 4. Principles and Guidelines for Sustainable Mineral Sites Sourcing in Nigeria


April 27-28

Cumulative Impact Assessment in Environmental Resource Management                                 
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1 . Introduction to Cumulative Impact Assessment

2. Importance of Cumulative Impact Assessment for Resource Management

3. Principles for Cumulative Impact Assessment

4. Geographic Information System for Cumulative Impact Assessment


April 28-29

Oil Spill Management Training Course: Community Engagement Approach and Methodologies. 
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1.  Oil Spill and Associated Environmental and Social Impacts

2. Oil Spill Management and Mitigation Measures
3. Community Engagement Approach in Oil Spill Management
4. Principles and Methodologies Involved in Oil Spill Management


April 29

Investments in Environmental Sustainability for Corporations (Series 4)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Environmental Sustainability Mechanism

2. Environmental Protection and Conservation

3. Environmental Sustainable Development

4. Innovations for Environmental Sustainability      


April 30

Environmental Impact Assessment Process (Series 4)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Stakeholders Engagement Mapping process in EIA studies

2. The Concept of Terms of Reference (TOR)

3. Screening and Scoping process in EIA stuidies

4. Site Verification Methods                                                  


April 28

Environmental Management and Regulatory Compliance Training Course For all Richflood Existing Clients (RIL-EM 0063) Series 6
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Environmental laws and Regulations in Environmental Compliance
2. Synopsis of each Environmental Regulation
3. Corporations Responsible for Implementation of each Laws and Regulations
4. Importance of Implementing Environmental Laws for Sustainable Environmental Mangement

April 13

Environmental Management and Regulatory Compliance Training Course For all Richflood Existing Clients (RIL-EM 0063) Series 7 

1. Environmental Policy in EIA
2. Synopsis of Environmental Policy
3. Importance of Each Policies
4. Categories of  Environmental Policies
5. Setbacks of Environmental Policies in Nigeria

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria
May Trainings and Dates


May 4-5

Bankable Feasibility Studies (BFS) and Statutory Reporting
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

 1. Introduction to Bankable  Feasibility Studies

2. Scope of Feasiblity Studies
3. Procedures and Guidelines in the conduct of Feasibility studies
4. Components of Feasibility studies Report


May 6-7

A Review of Climate Change Information Models and case studies
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Introduction to Climate Change Science
2. Observed and Projected Trends Of The Impacts of Climate Change and Scenarios
3. Scientific Data, Methods and Algorithm Of Generating Climate Change model


May 11-12

Implementation of strategic sustainable climate change and Environmental Advocacy for communities 
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1.  Climate Change and Its Effects
2.  Climate Change Adaptation
3.  Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation

4. Advocacy Strategy for Climate Change


May 13-14

Corporate Sustainability and Climate Change
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Operational management and sustainability concepts
2. Sustainability, Environmental and Social Governance Factors
3. Climate related financial investments in corporations
4. Integrated Sutainability Strategies and modern technologies outlook


May 18-19

Impact Assessment and Climate change
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Introduction to  Climate Change
2. Assessment of the impacts of climate change

4. Green house Gases (GHG), Global warming and climate change
3. An environmental risk assessment/management framework for climate change


May 20-21

Investments in Environmental Sustainability for Corporations (Series 5)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Sustainable Environment and Planning

2. Globalization and Sustainable Growth

3. Concept of Clean Technology

4. Environmental Management and Sustainable Development


May 20-21

Laboratory Quality Management System (Series 1)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Introduction to Laboratory Quality Management System

2. Intenational Laboratory  Standards and ISO standards applicable to Laboratories

3. Standard Laboratory designs and safety management plans

4. Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) Used in the Lab and their Importance


May 22-23

Laboratory Quality Management System (Series 2)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Overview of Laboratory Facilities. Risks and Safety

2. Laboratory Equipement and Designs

3. Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA) in the Laboratory

4. Laboratory Information Management System


May 28-29

Energy and Sustainable Development (Series 4)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Introduction to Energy and Sustainable Development

2.  Basic Concept of Energy Sustainability

3. Strategies Priorities of Sustainable Energy Development

4.Sustainable Energy Development Monitoring


May 29

Environmental Impact  Assessment Process (Series 5)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1.  Baseline Data Gathering: Why, When and How?

2.  Baseline Data Gathering Methodologies

3. Review of Laboratory Analysis of Field Data

4. Statistical Tools and Analysis of data                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


May 28

Environmental Management and Regulatory Compliance Training Course For all Richflood Existing Clients. Series 8 
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Introduction to Environmental Protection and Management Polices
2. Guidelines in Environmental Protection and Management
3. Regulations for Implementation of an Environmental Protection Plan
4. Challenges facing Environmental Protection and Management


May 20

Energy and Sustainable Development (Series 5)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1.  Introduction to Energy Management Planning

2. Traditional Concept of Energy Management

3. Sustainable Approach to Energy Management

4. Review of Energy and Sustainable Development in Nigeria


June 8-9

Investments in Environmental Sustainability for Corporations: Energy and Power (Series 6)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Energy Within Environmental Constrains

2. Energy Conservation and Efficiency

3. Integration of Environmental Sustainability Practices into Power and Energy

4. Sustainable Energy Technologies

5. Renewable Energy Investment; A  step towards Achieving a Sustainable environment


June 10-11

Environmental Impact Assessment Process (Series 6)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Methodologies of Collecting Socio-economic Baseline Data

2. Tools Used in Socio-economic studies

3. Analytical Techniques of Socio-economic Data
4. Community Health Assessment                                                                                                                


June 15-16

Preliminary Training Course on Geo-physical and Geo-Technical Studies  
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Introduction to Geophysical and Geotechnical Techniques 
2. Basic Mapping Techniques
4. Importance of Geophysical and Geotechnical studies in mineral prospecting and Environmental studies 

5. Preliminary Mineral Prospecting Techniques For Mining Sustainability


June 17-18

Mineral Exploration Project Management Training Course 
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1.  Introduction to Mineral Exploration
2.  Mineral Exploration Methods and Techniques
3.  Baseline Data Gathering for Mineral Exploration
4.  Impact Identification and Assessment in Mineral Exploration

5. Mitigation and Monitoring Procedures in Mineral Exploration


June 22-23

Water Pollution And Remediation Training Course
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Introduction to Water Pollution
2. Groundwater Contamination and Remediation
3. Surface water Contamination and Remediation
4. Mitigation and Monitoring Techniques in Water Quality Management


June 24-25

Training Course on Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for development projects 
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Introduction to Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)

2. Scope of Resettlement Action Plan

3. International and National Policies Guiding Resettlement Action Plan

4. Implementation and Monitoring of Resettlement Action Plan

July Trainings and Dates


July 2-3

How to Develop and Implement a Remediation Action Plan (RAP) for Hydrocarbon Polluted Sites 
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1.  Environmental Guidelines for Remediation of Polluted Sites
2.  Types of Remediation Associated with Hydrocarbon Polluted Sites
3.  Remediation Action Plan for Hydrocarbon Polluted Sites
4.  Implementation of Remediation Action Plan on Hydrocarbon Polluted Sites


July 7-8

Climate Change Mitigation Project for Alternative Energy Production in Communities
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1.  Climate Change and its Effect on the Environment

2. Climate Change Mitigation Measures
3. Policies and Laws for Climate Change Mitigation

4. Renewable Energy sources


July 9

Environmental Management and Regulatory Compliance Training Course For all Richflood Existing Clients.  Series 9
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) in EIA
2. Role of ERA in Environmental Compliance and Regulations
3. Barriers in Successful Implementation of ERA
4. Practical Steps in ERA and its Limitations
5. Implementing an ERA


July 16

Risk Assessment and Analysis in Environmental Impact Assessment
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Introduction to Ecological Risk Assessment for Environmental Management
2. Risk Assessment and its Importance in  Environmental Management
3. Scope of Risk Assessment Plan

4. Aproaches and Methodology for Risk assessment plan


July 22

Investments in Environmental Sustainability for Corporations_Transportation(Series 7)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Environmental Sustainable Transport system

2. Smart Vehicles

3. Improved Efficiency of Conventional Vehicles

4. Regular Maintainance


July 27

Environmental Impact Assessment Process (Series 7)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Impact Assessment Methodology
2. Impacts Identification and Characteriz3. The Concept of Impact Indicators

4. Methods of Evaluating Impacts

August Trainings and Dates


August  3-4

Small Scale Mining, Human and Environmental Protection Approach 

1.  Introduction to Small Scale Mining
2. Importance of Small Scale Mining
3. Environmental and Social Impacts of Small scale mining

4.  Safety and Protection Approaches in Small Scale Mining 


August 6-7

 Climate Change: Tools for Vulnerability Assessments and Adaptation Strategies

 1. Introduction to Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation

2. Methodologies Involved in Climate Adaptation Strategies

3. Tools for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment

4. Review of Vulnerability Assessments and Adaption in Nigeria


August  10-11

Concepts, frameworks, and Methodologies for Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments 

1. Introduction to the concept of vulnerability and adaptation in impact assessment.
2. Planning and conducting the vulnerability and adaptation assessment.
3. Vulnerability and adaptation frameworks.
4. Methodologies for vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment


August 12-13

Surface Water Conservation and Sustainability

1. Introduction to Surface Water Conservation 
2. Assessment of Surface Water Ecology
3. Surface Water Quality Modeling in Surface Water Conservation
4. Technical Standards in Flood Hazard Control

5. Concept of Integrated River Basin Management


August 17-18

Valued Environmental Components (VECs) in the Mining Sector

1. Identification of Valued Environmental Components for mining projects
2. Similarity and contrasts between Valued Social Components and Valued Ecological Components
3 Environmental  and Social Governance for the mining sector
4. Methodology for deduction of Valued Environmental and Social Components (VECs) for Mining sector


August 19-20

Investments in Environmental Sustainability for Corporations_WATER RESOURCES (Series 8)

1. Sustainable Water Management System

2. Integrated Water Resources Management and River Basins

3. Water pollution and Watershed Framework

4. Water Conservation Technology

5. Water Use and Management System

6. Water Nexus


August  21

Environmental Impact Assessment Process (Series 8)

1. Impacts Mitigation Plans and Measures
2. Guidelines and Procedure for Mitigation Plans

3. Environmental and Social Impact Mitigation Plans

4. Principles of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)                                                 


August 25-26

Environmental Management and Regulatory Compliance Training Course For all Richflood Existing Clients. (Series 10)

1. Role of Government in Environmental Compliance and Regulations
2. Barriers associated with Government Involvement in Environmental Regulations
3. Role of Non Governmental  Corporations in Environmental Compliance
4. Limitations of Non-Governmental Corporations in Environmental Regulations


August 27-28

Training Course on Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for investments in accordance with IFC standard procedures  

1. Introduction to Social Impact Assessment in Environmental Management
2. Scope of Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
3. Principles, Procedure and Methods  Associated with Social Impact Assessment.
4. International Policies in Social Impact Assessment

August 27-28

Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Training Course 

1.  Introduction to Environmental Management System
2. Guidelines Involved in  Environmental Mangement Planning
3. Noise and Air Quality Management
4.  Soil Quality Management;
5.  Surface and Groundwater Quality Management

September Trainings and Dates


September 2-3

Stakeholders Engagement for Investments; Identification and mapping

1. Concept of Stakeholders mapping
2. Stakeholders mapping analysis
3. Benefits of Stakeholders mapping
4. Categories of stakeholders
5. Priortizing stakeholders and identifying issues


September 8-9

Project Management and Environmental Monitoring

 1.  Introduction to Environmental Monitoring for Projects
2. Evaluation of Environmental impacts and Risk Assessment
3. Environmental Management measures
4. Environemental Audit and Review
5.Statutory Requirements and implementation strategies


September 10-11

Climate Change Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Systematic Adaptation Assessment Training Course. Series 1

1. Introduction to Climate Change Ecosystem-based Adaptation
2. Conceptual Framework in Climate Change Ecosystem-based Adaptation
3. Guidelines in Climate Change Ecosystem-based Adaptation
4. Ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation
5.Integrating climate change adaptation into development planning


September 14-15

Climate Change Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Systematic Adaptation Assessment Training Course. Series 2.

1. Introduction to climate change adaptation
2. Identification of Climate Impacts
3. Adaptation Monitoring and Evaluation in Cimate Adaptation
4.  Benefits, costs and impacts of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) measures


September 16-17

 Understanding the Impacts, Vulnerability and linkage between climate change and disaster 

1. The science of climate change
2. Reviewing the climate change impacts on natural hazards
3. Methods and tools for integrated climate disaster management
4. Mapping Climate Change Vulnerability and Impact Scenarios
5. Building Resilience to Disaster and Climate Change 


September 17-18

Adaptation to Climate Change, Link between Adaptation & Development, Methods and Tools for Assessment 

1. Financing adaptation to climate change
2. Integrating Ecosystem Services and Climate Resilience in Infrastructure Development
3. Exploration of Adaptation – Mitigation Synergies

4. Guidance Note For Planning, Contracting And Effective Backstopping of A Climate Risk And Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA)
5. The Roles of the Private Sector in Climate Change Adaptation


September 17-18

Investments Cumulative Impacts Assessments and Mitigation in the context of Environmental Management
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Introduction to Cumulative Impact Assessment

2. Principles of Cumulative Impact Assessment

3. Scope of Cumulative Impact Assessment
4. Approaches to cumulative impact assessment


September 21-22

Biodiversity and Ecological Studies 2 (Fauna data analysis and impact Assessment)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Fauna assessment as a tool for impact assessment
2. Effective fauna data monitoring in impact assessment
3. Fauna species as bioindicator in impact assessment
4. Fauna species abundance and distribution in impact assessment
5. Habitat variability and species composition in impact assessment


September 24

Investments in Environmental Sustainability for Corporations_URBAN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (Series 9)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Principles of Sustainable Urban Planning

2. Urban Demographies and Development

3. Urban Growth Models

4. Cities of the past, and Cities of the Future


September 29

Environmental Impact Assessment Process (Series 10)

1. The Concept of Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
2. The Core Elements Of Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

3. Environmental Management Plan n(EMP) Guidelines

4. Framework For Implementing Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

5. Guidelines for Waste Management


September 30

Environmental Management and Regulatory Compliance Training Course For all Richflood Existing Clients.(Series 11)

1. Industrial Environmental Compliance and Regulations
2. Importance of Environmental Regulations in Industries
3. Importance of Environmental Policies in Industries
4. Challenges facing Environmental Compliance in Industries 
5. Scope of Regulations in Industries


September 25

Environmental Management and Regulatory Compliance Training Course For all Richflood Existing Clients. Series 12

1. Role of Environmental Evaluation in EIA
2. Importance of Environmental Evaluation in Compliance 
3. Scope of Environmental Evaluation 
4. Implementation of Environmental Evaluation
5. Benefits of Environmental Evaluation

October Trainings and Dates


October 5-6

Project Scoping and Screening Environmental Impact Assessment 

1. Introduction to Scoping and Screening in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
2. Scoping  and ScreeningTechniques and Tools in EIA studies
3. Stakeholders engagement methods in scoping
4. Methods and Procedures in EIA Scoping and Screening, Planning and Execution


October 8-9

Climate Change Adaptation, Monitoring and Evaluation

1. Introduction to  Environmental Sustainability: Principles and Practices
2. Introdcution to Sustainability in Project Execution
3. Improving environmental sustainability through standard practice and principles
4. Adopting appropriate program planning fopr environmental sustainability
5. Environmental standards and practice: A tool for environmental sustainability


October 12-13

Adaptation to Climate Change, Link between Adaptation & Development, Methods and Tools for Assessment 

1. Introduction to Climate Change Adaptation                                                                               
2. Climate change Mitigation Initiatives and Policies                                                                3. Methodology and Tools in Climate Change Adaptation                                                            4. Link between Cimate Adaptation and Impact Assessment


October 15-16

Climate Financing 

1. Climate financing: meaning, purpose, source.
2. The principles and criteria of public Climate finance                                                              3. Legal and Regulatory Framework of Climate Financing
4. Climate Finance monitoring system


October 19-20

EIA administration; A review of west African countries EIA legislation and administration



October 26

Investments in Environmental Sustainability for Corporations_AGRICULURE (Series 10)

1. Agriculture Management Techniques for Environmental Sustainability2. Innovations in Agriculture Technology

3. Philosophies and Practices of Sustainable Agriculture

4. Ecological and Sustainable Agricultural Production System

1. Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessmen2. Principles of EIA Administration and Practice
3. History of the EIA system
4. Overview of the EIA laws and guidelines
5. EIA administrative procedure

October 30

Environmental Impact Assessment Process (Series 10)

1. Impact Mitigation Monitoring in EIA studies

2. Environmental Audit and Review In EIA studies

3. Environmental Commitment plan in EIA studies

4. Biodiversity Conservation Plan in EIA studies

No events at the moment
November Trainings and Dates


November 2-3

Environmental and Social Framework for Mining Industries
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Introduction to  Environemntal and Social Framework in the Mining Sector
2. Social Safeguard Policies in Poject Mobilization
3. Environmental Management During Project Phases
4.  Introduction to International Environmental and Social Policies


November 5-6

Technical writing for EIA Series
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1.   Principles of Technical Writing in EIA
2.  Applications of Technical Writing in EIA
3.  Phases in Technical Writing in EIA
4.  Categories of Technical Reports in EIA


November 12-13

Project Alternatives Consideration during Impact Assessment
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Introduction to the concept of project alternative

2. Evaluation and Assessments of Alternatives during Impact Assessments

3. Procedures in Project Alternatives Consideration

4. Criteria for selection of Alternatives  using World Bank Standards


November 16-17

An Environmental Policies, Regulations and Implementation in the African Continent
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Introduction to Environmental regulations and Policies

2. Synopsis of environmental laws in Nigeria
3.The Role of Environmental policies in continental developments

4. Environmental Policy and Legislation in Africa


November 27

Investments in Environmental Sustainability for Corporations (Series 11)
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. Environmental Security and Sustaining Peace

2. Environmental Management and Sustainable Development

3. Environmental and Natural Resources Economic

4. The Science and Practice of Environmental Sustainability Development


November 30

Environmental Impact Assessment Process Series 11 
Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria

1. The Principles of Decommisioning and Abandonement plan in EIA studies

2. Decommisioning and Abandonement Methodology

3. Facility Abandonemnt Policy and Strategy

4.The Principle and Methods of Remediation and Restoration  in EIA studies                                                                        

November 26

Environmental Management and Regulatory Compliance Training Course For all Richflood Existing Clients (RIL-EM 0063) Series 13

 1. Introduction to  Industrial Environmental Compliance and Regulations
2. Importance of Environmental Regulations in Industries
3. Importance of Environmental Policies in Industries
4. Challenges facing Environmental Compliance in Industries 
5. Scope of Regulations in Industries

Amazon Hall, 4, Justice C. Oputa St. Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria
December Trainings and Dates


December 1-2

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Training Course. (RIL-EM 0062)

1. Introduction to Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
2. Laying the Foundations for ESIA
3. Impact Assessment – the 'Heart' of ESIA
4. Impact Management, Reporting and Decision-Making
5. Stakeholder Engagement/Public Consultation in ESIA


December 7-8

Investments in Environmental Sustainability for Corporations (Series 12)

1. New Technology For Environmental Sustainability

2. A practical Approach For Integrating Sustainable Environment into Human Development

3. Renewable Energy

4. Review of Environmental Sustainability in Nigeria


December 14

Environmental Impact Assessment Process (Series 12)

1. Environmental Impacts Assessment (EIA) Report structure

2. Review of Chapters in Environmental Impact assessment (EIA) Report 


Preliminary Training Course on Geo-physical and Geo-Technical Studies 

1. Introduction to Geophysical Techniques and Geo-Technical Studies                             2. Geophysical and Geotechnical Techniques and principles
3. Geophysical and Geotechnical Investigation and Design in project developments
4.Analysis and interpretation of Geophysical and Geotechnical data


Environmental Management and Regulatory Compliance Training Course For all Richflood Existing Clients.  Series 14

1. Introduction to Environmental Evaluation

2. Role of Environmental Evaluation in EIA
3. Importance of Environmental Evaluation in Compliance 
4. Scope of Environmental Evaluation  
5. Implementation of Environmental Evaluation
6. Benefits of Environmental Evaluation

coming soon

Reach the learning department by sending an email to for future courses

African business team with map of africa
Public Speaker



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Plot No. 6418, Avenue Du Commerce, Kigali, Rwanda.

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22 Wellingthon Road, Parktown, 2193 South Africa.

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Masaken Sheraton, 11799 Cairo, Egypt.

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DR Congo.

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