View on the desktop for the best view. Please read to the end.
Check back regularly for the updated version of the list of courses
For All Interests, please send an email to;
+234 814 524 5247 (Whatsapp Chat only)
The Learning Centre, also called TLC is now inviting course creators in line with Environmental Management and Sustainable development focal areas in its wide sense.
This guide is for course creators. It provides a step-by-step format for course creation in line with the online portal for learners. Generally, the following is included in the course content to be developed.
The courses are created in modules/chapters
Video recording of your presentation and any other video relevant to the course that you intend to share to learners.
Each module is expected to have at least 5 videos. Illustrations, lectures, news on the subject matter, or recent discoveries will interest the learners and widen their understanding of the course.
Each course is expected to have at least 2 case studies to further enhance the applicability of the course to the learner's professional exposure.
Powerpoint slides of your presentation sent in PPT format. Presented on zoom. Standard video recording standard followed.
The handout was prepared as a Microsoft word file. Font size 12, New Romans font type.
Test, Quiz and assignment development with answers to the questions.
PDF files as reference documents for students
References for further study
Each course is not less than 5 modules and not less than 70 pages in ms word font size 12 times news roman
Courses are in Modules. Each Module (also called modules) should contain scientific graphs, videos/video links not exceeding 30mins gotten from research sources e.g Youtube, Vimeo etc pictures (including pictures taken in the field) as illustrations.
The text for each module should not be less than 10 pages.
Each course has estimated 6 Modules. This is produced for approval before the course creator proceeds. A summary of the content for each module is shared with the QA team.
All courses are to be practically oriented and not theoretical in presentation. Africa focused.
Please feel free to get in touch with our office
+234 814 524 5247 (Whatsapp Chat only)
Summary Section
Course Title
Key Words: Please provide course keywords at least five (5) separated by a comma.
About the course: Provide a captivating summary of the course for learners to be attracted to the course. Not exceeding 600 words this should include a summary of what learners will benefit from this course.
Who should take this course? Please advise as to which category of learners this course is for.
Module 1 - 6
Module Title
Heading and submodules content are properly indexed.
Test Questions (5 questions per module; these questions are to be answered after each module and they should be for checking the learner’s basic knowledge)
Kindly highlight the correct answers. Some questions can have multiple answers
Current Trends; Current trends and technological advancement regarding this course and this field of expertise should be provided here and within the course content
Overall Course Quiz questions, 20 questions as objectives (A,B,C,D) highlighting the correct answers.
“All answers are correct except one” can also form part of the questions to be asked
Assignment; Two assignments. Theoretical. Provide the assignment questions and also provide answers to the questions. Or Knowledge based Quizzes (10 in number)
Reference and study materials to download should also be provided by course creators.
C. WEBINAR PRESENTATION FORMAT by the presenter (Video).
The presenter is to do a 45-minute summary video presentation using zoom online.
Kindly request the link from the Richflood office. I
Welcome the participant to the course, introduce the course and the benefits of taking the course, urge the participants to go through all modules and activities, and summarise each module of the course a PowerPoint slide.
Encourage Q and A to be dropped and that you will attend to them.
Approval from all contents used should be sort for and obtained from the sources, these include reference materials sources, video sources etc. The plagiarism percentage should not exceed 25% overall. Plagiarised content will not be accepted.
Kindly forward the course materials when fully developed to the email
Materials developed and paid for becomes the property of Richflood Learning Centre. Richflood reserves the right to use the materials for learning and reference purposes.
Expression of interest submissions should be done by email indicating the course of interest (including course code) for this batch of courses by creators.
+234 814 524 5247 (Whatsapp Chat only)
Visit this link to submit your interest based on available courses
Upon successful selection of the courses by the course creator, you will receive a document showing fees payable per course and other details. Upon receipt of this information and if acceptable, please request for an agreement to be executed.
Study the Course Creation Guide on this page
Check your email for instant feedback with terms and conditions
Request an agreement
Execute the agreement
Start creating courses
Use the Course Creation Guide on this page to create a course
Submit the course for structural review to
Obtain feedback (evaluation sheet) from TLC Admin Team
If satisfactory, submit an invoice and receive payment otherwise, receive an evaluation sheet with comments on further upgrades of course created.
Resubmit course for technical review
Receive feedback for technical review
If satisfactory submit an invoice and receive final payment on the course otherwise, receive an evaluation sheet with comments on further upgrades of the course created until satisfactory.
Contract Closed
Courses that do not meet at least 60% of the expected quality at stage G2 will be rejected at no cost to the learning centre. This will not be paid for and the contract will be assumed terminated due to lack of capacity to deliver. Your content will not be used by the TLC.
Technical Course content following the above guideline
Copyright table for 3rd party videos or content used from the internet. Download template here
Powerpoint slide summarizing the course. Download PPT Template Here
Presented Course Summary Video (discuss with the TLC) to set up.
Links created with some course titles are not necessarily expected content, but rather research hints to the course creator. Creators are to follow the Course Creation Guide for the TLC
Do you have these advantages related to Environmental Management?
At least a master's degree in the area you intend to create for TLC.
Specialist knowledge in a specific field or across a wide variety of topics
Previous experience designing syllabi
The ability to accurately and quickly distil lots of information into a series of modules using text, images and videos
The maturity to self-manage and deliver courses within specified timelines.
Above-average general and practical knowledge with a curiosity about a wide variety of subjects
The maturity and interest to work with a wide variety of content publishers and subjects
Your students will complete your lessons, perform exercises, and put their knowledge to the test by taking quizzes and exams all from their own devices.
Please feel free to get in touch with our office
+234 814 524 5247 (Whatsapp Chat only)
Expression of interest submissions should be done by email indicating the course of interest (including course code) for this batch of courses by creators.
The Learning Centre Courses 190822
You may suggest title modifications for approval where necessary
CATEGORY 1. Impact Assessment, Sustainable Development and E&S Standards;
TLC IA1; Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (Advanced)
TLC IA2; Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD)
TLC IA3; Investment Risk Assessment
TLC IA4; Left Blank Intentionally. See IA22
TLC IA5; The Equator Principles, Environmental and Social Risks Assessment for Financial Institutions
TLC IA6; Environmental and Social Management Plans, ESMP
TLC IA7; Impact Mitigation Monitoring
TLC IA8; Stakeholders Engagement Plan
TLC IA9; Resettlement Action Planning and Implementation
TLC IA10; Strategic Environmental Assessments
TLC IA11; Socio-economic Studies, Impact Assessment and Data Gathering Tools in Impact Assessment (Basic)
TLC IA12; Environmental Auditing
TLC IA13; Ecological Impact Analysis
TLC IA14; Community Development Planning
TLC IA15; Environmental Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
TLC IA16; Environmental Economics & Policy
TLC IA17; Environmental Due Diligence for Mergers and Acquisition, M&A Solutions
TLC IA18; Health Impact Assessments
TLC IA19; Left Blank Intentionally see IA22
TLC IA20; Natural Resource Management
TLC IA21; Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation Plan (EPRP)
TLC IA22; IFC Performance Standards; Environmental and Social Sustainability
TLC IA23; Post Impact Assessment
TLC IA24; Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines of the world bank
TLC IA25; Left blank Intentionally
TLC IA26; Rural and host communities engagement in Africa for Development Projects
TLC IA27; Understanding Rural Geography and Engagements Approach
TLC IA28; Introduction to Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
TLC IA29; Environmental and Social Management Plan (Advanced Course)
TLC IA30; Environmental Auditing (Advanced Course)
CATEGORY 2. Climate Change
TLC CC1; Climate Change: Managing the Marine Environment
TLC CC2; Carbon Accounting
TLC CC3; Organisational GHG Accounting
TLC CC4; Understanding Scope 1, 2 and 3 Emissions.
TLC CC5; Carbon and energy due diligence
TLC CC6; Corporate Sustainability and Climate Change
TLC CC7; GHG Accounting for Gas Thermal Power Plant
TLC CC8; Project-Level GHG Accounting- Basics
TLC CC9; Project-Level GHG Accounting- Advanced
TLC CC10; GHG Accounting for an LNG Project
TLC CC11; Understanding Emissions Trading Systems (ETS)
TLC CC12; Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Measures for Industries
TLC CC13; ESG, Climate Change and Financial Security
TLC CC14; Energy Transition through 2050: Climate Science, Low Carbon Energy and Carbon Capture Strategies that Lead to Net-Zero
CATEGORY 3. Specialised Courses
TLC SC1; Cultural Heritage and Archeology and Sustainable Development
TLC SC2; Marine and Coastal Ecological Assessment
TLC SC3; Marine Ecology and Conservation
TLC SC4; Marine Mammal Physiology
TLC SC5; Fisheries Assessment
TLC SC6; Ecological Assessments
TLC SC7; Heritage and Conservation
TLC SC8; Air Quality Assessment
TLC SC9; Coastal and Ocean Management
TLC SC10; Biodiversity and Conservation
TLC SC11; Hydrological Survey
TLC SC12; Land Acquisition and Right of Way
TLC SC13; Hydrogeological Survey
TLC SC14; Remediation Management (Contamination from Mining Activities and Remediation Options)
TLC SC15; River Health Assessments Approach and Methodology
TLC SC16; Geographic Information System (GIS) technology
TLC SC17; Hydrology & Water Management
TLC SC18; Introduction to Archaeology and Impact Assessment
TLC SC19; Archaeology in Theory and Practice
TLC SC20; Archaeology & Climate Change, Theory and Practice
TLC SC21; Aspects of Archaeology
TLC SC22; Archaeology in Practice
TLC SC23; Introduction to Archaeology
CATEGORY 4; Management Systems
TLC MS1; Learning and Change Implementation
TLC MS2; Management Systems and Compliance
TLC MS3; 14001 Environmental Management System
TLC MS4; ISO 26000 Social Responsibility
TLC MS5; ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
TLC MS6; ISO 37101 Management Systems for Sustainable Development in Communities
TLC MS7; Richflood Staff College (RSC) Staff, Consultants and Partners Onboarding Course
TLC MS8; Richflood Staff College (RSC) ESIA Implementation Approach
CATEGORY 5; Laboratory Management
TLC LM1; Environmental Microbiology (Air Microbiology)
TLC LM2; Environmental Microbiology (Soil Microbiology)
TLC LM3; Environmental Microbiology (Water Microbiology)
TLC LM4; Microbial Ecology and Industrialisation
TLC LM5; Legionella Assessment and Management, (LMP)
TLC LM6; Environmental Monitoring
TLC LM7; Laboratory Science Technology
TLC LM8; Industrial Effluent Management
CATEGORY 6; Oil and Gas Courses
TLC OG1; Environmental Sustainability in the Oil and Gas Industry
TLC OG2; Environmental Management and control in the oil and gas industry
TLC OG3; Oil Spills Clean up and Remediation
TLC OG4; Left blank Intentionally
CATEGORY 7; Sustainability
TLC SS1; Sustainable Product Innovation and Design
TLC SS2; Sustainability Reporting for Organisation
TLC SS3; Sustainable Procurement, Environmental and Social Standards
TLC SS4; Sustainable Finance
TLC SS5; Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) Reporting (or Sustainability Reporting)
TLC SS6; Environmental Laws and Regulations in Africa
Category 8; Mining and Metals
TLC MM1; Social License in the Mining Sector
Please feel free to get in touch with our office
+234 814 524 5247 (Whatsapp Chat only)